Inside the Patriot Internet Web Hosting Control Panel you’re going to find a fully–fledged, convenient Database Manager! Employ it to have total command over your databases. You’re able to efficiently set up new MySQL and PgSQL databases and control them via the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software programs, respectively.

Tidy and Hassle–free Interface

Maintain all of your databases from within one place

The Database Manager inside the Web Hosting Control Panel features a robust nevertheless simple to use interface. It’s possible to set up a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database simply by typing in a user name and password. Furthermore, you can make a back–up file or alter the password of any database with simply a click of the mouse.

With the Database Manager you’ve got immediate access to the administrator area for each of your databases, so its possible to make hassle–free corrections if you happen to have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Simple Database Data backup

Back up your databases in a moment

We’ve made the manual database back–up creation into a very simple activity. To do this: inside of the Database Manager, click the ’clock’ image beside the database that you plan to back up and wait for a couple of seconds for the process to take place. Depending upon the size of your database, the creation of any back–up file will require between a few seconds and a minute.

You can create as many backup copies per database as you wish. We’ve not set any confines on the volume of databases that you can back up as well.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Guaranteed security for your personal databases

PgSQL databases are much less popular in comparison to the standard MySQL databases. However, they are a preferred option for designers who are looking for the greatest stability for their web sites and web apps. Because of the easy–to–use Database Manager integrated into the Patriot Internet Control Panel, you can control all of your PostgreSQL databases with merely a click of the mouse.

You’ll find PgSQL databases integrated by default inside the best cloud website hosting service packages. Provided that you are using a standard hosting package, you’re able to ask for PgSQL databases to be added to your hosting account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The fresh new face of MySQL

We’ve installed InnoDB – the brand new standard MySQL database engine on every one of our web servers. InnoDB is ideal for significant database sites which require high levels of overall performance and scalability. Experiments indicate that sites using InnoDB based tables attain a 3–fold efficiency grow for huge joins, in contrast to those working with MyISAM tables.

InnoDB works by using row–level locking as a way to remove the general performance difficulties seen at the top consumption times of the earlier variant of the database engine – MyISAM, which uses table–level locking.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Complete stats for all of your databases

With the in–depth database statistics tool built into the Web Hosting Control Panel, it is possible to keep track of the stress accumulated through your busy sites 24 hour a day. Any overload issue with your websites can lower the loading rates and have a negative influence over the overall impression of your website visitors. Hence, having information for the database work right away, it will be easier to resolve overload problems as fast as possible.

The database data user interface shows info of the amount of daily, hourly and monthly lookups, which means you can evaluate how the load is spread over several time frames.

Hepsia File Manager