Setup Fee in Cloud Website Hosting
When you get a cloud website hosting plan from our company, the final price that you will need to pay through the checkout will be exactly the same as the one you've already noticed on our main page as well as on every other page on our site. The processing of your payment and the account generation on our cutting-edge cloud hosting system are close to fully automated, so we consider that charging you any setup fees would be very unreasonable. Even when you get a couple of accounts at one time, you will not need to spend any money for the setup or for any other kind of concealed costs for that matter. It is our belief that being honest to every single customer from the beginning is much more valuable than receiving a few extra dollars.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages do not have any installation fees, so when you get your new account, your total fee for the first month will be exactly the same as for your future renewals. Due to the fact it takes us several minutes to generate and activate your new semi-dedicated account, we believe that it would not be justified to charge you anything for that. You'll see the exact same amount on our home page, on the payment page as well as on your bank or PayPal statement and you'll never be required to pay any kind of additional costs. If you already have an ordinary shared hosting account with our company and you want a more powerful solution, we will even relocate all of your data to the brand new semi-dedicated account free of cost.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Our VPS server plans are devoid of installation charges and any concealed fees of any sort. In case you get such a package, we will assemble the server, mount its Operating System, web server software, MySQL, etc., and we'll provide you with an entirely functional device without any extra charges. All you'll have to pay is the regular monthly cost for the plan you've selected and that cost will be the same for the following months as well. It is our belief that charging you more money for a procedure that is almost completely automatic is unreasonable, so the amount you can find on our home page will be the same as the one that will appear on your bank statement. That is valid regardless if we move one or several sites from your shared hosting account to your new virtual server.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
If you order a dedicated server through us, we will configure your machine cost-free. The rate that you can find and pay will be exactly the same on our web site, on your payment page as well as on your bank statement, also the exact amount you'll pay throughout the registration will be the same as the one you will pay to renew your plan later on. We will provide you with a ready-to-use server, which is built and tried, and which features all of the required software in advance - OS, web server, MySQL, FTP, and web hosting Control Panel when you have chosen one throughout the signup, but all these tasks are executed completely free. We will even move your info at no extra cost when you obtain the dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have an ordinary shared hosting package through our company.